三个sat作文题,求大神分析思路Do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of individual people?Is acting an essential part of everyday life?Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control?(这个题目前半截我懂,但我不知道写的时候该怎么和other factors扯上关系?)


Do we put too much value on the ideas or actions of individual people?
Is acting an essential part of everyday life?
Do success and happiness depend on the choices people make rather than on factors beyond their control?(这个题目前半截我懂,但我不知道写的时候该怎么和other factors扯上关系?)


  1. 这道题强调的重点是individual,就是说是应该重视个人的观点、行动呢,还是服从整个集体.可以往挑战权威的方向靠.

  2. 关键点是acting,可以理解为”伪装“、”演", 就是问是伪装自己,还是做真实的自己(这个我说的不清楚,有prompt的话建议看下)

  3. other factors beyond their control,即人为无法控制的因素,如果你同意的是choices people make,你不必具体说other factors是哪些,简单带过即可;如果相反,写other factors,那你可以说运气啊、天灾啊,等等.