1.her face showed surprise at the news


1.her face showed surprise at the news
2.The girl looked very surprised at the news ,she looked at me with her mouth open wide.请问1,2这两个句子中的at the news 都是一个意思吗?
3.walk for five minutes ,then you'll see a big tree (take the second turning on the right at the tree,)译括号内的,另at the tree能不能换成beside?

沿树下右边的第二个转弯处转弯at the news,请问这两句中的 at the news,是什么意思? at 在这两句中不是和showed 或 surprised 固定搭配的,而是和at the news搭配的,是吗?有的书上译成听到这个消息,是不是 at the news,可以根据句子灵活的译,谢谢at the news,译为“听到这个消息”。翻译本来就是很灵活的事情。山无定势,水无定形。