请帮忙改一篇英语作文(高分)急!原题都已给出.请英语强的人帮忙好好改改~如果被采用,麻烦大家了,假设你是小明,你家打算改善住房条件,现在有两套房子供选择;一套是郊区的传统式平房,一套是位于商业区的现代公寓楼.家里人对购买哪套更好持不同的观点.请你根据下面所给的内容,用英语给你的朋友Paul写一封信,征求他的意见.现代公寓楼:1.宽敞明亮.2.购物、上学方便.3.有公园等供休息、娱乐的场所传统式平房:1.安静、空气清新.2.价格便宜.3.邻里之间交往多,氛围和谐、亲切你的观点:Dear Paul:Recently my family are planning to improve our housing conditions.Now,we have two kinds of houses to choose.One is located at suburbs; the other is traditional house in the downtown.There have different id


Dear Paul:
Recently my family are planning to improve our housing conditions.Now,we have two kinds of houses to choose.One is located at suburbs; the other is traditional house in the downtown.There have different ideas about whether we should buy.
Some suggest we buy a modern flat because it big and bright.And it is convenient to go shopping or school for us.There also have some place provision us leisure and entertainment like park and so on.
But,in the old-style house,it is quiet and considers the air is fresh to live in.And the price is cheaper.The neighbors also have harmonious living atmosphere
In my opinion,I’m fond of the modern flat.
What’s your opinion?Please write to me sooner
Sincerely yours
Xiao Ming

Dear Paul:Recently my family are planning to improve our housing conditions.Now,we have two kinds of houses to choose.One is located at suburbs; the other is traditional house in downtown.There are di...