麻烦把帮我这首诗翻译成英文去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红.人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风. 如果答案满意 我会给分的


如果答案满意 我会给分的

Last year in this, the lover of last year is gone while the peach blossoms remain the same serves as contrast red today. the person surface does not know where, the peach blossom smiles the spring breeze as before.

Today the gates last year,
Moment of truth.
Faces of the people do not know where to go
Love and be loved.

just in the same room on the same date of last year.
both the face of a pretty girl and peach blossom are red and form a contrast.
but today where is pretty girl?
only leaves the peach blossom swing and smile in the spring wind.

In the same day of last year,
just behind the same door,
her face flashed with the peachblossom,so pinky.
Now the face has gone,
to nowhere,
while the peachblossom remains,
still laughing in the breeze of spring.