英语翻译句式可以不太难 但最好还是中等一点  希望不要有错误  谢谢众所周知,在大学的生活里你的同学就是与你相处时间最长的人,他们不像你的父母一样会包容你的一切,所以怎样与同学友好的相处成了很重要的问题.我们应该尽量的保证对你的同学有足够的尊重,在相处的时候尽量的站在对方的立场上思考你要做出的决定.我们应该保证对同学的隐私不窥探,给自己和同学一定的交往空间,不要一味的挑剔对方的缺点,而应该学会找出同学身上的优点,并向他学习.我们要在同学有困难的时候尽量的帮助他们,并在同学帮助你的时候学会感恩,不要一味计较得失.我相信 ,在大学的生活中,只要我们用心的与同学沟通,我们就一定可以和同学相处的非常融洽.


句式可以不太难 但最好还是中等一点  希望不要有错误  谢谢
我相信 ,在大学的生活中,只要我们用心的与同学沟通,我们就一定可以和同学相处的非常融洽.

As is known to all, in universities you'll spend the longest time staying with your classmates.They are unlike your parents who will be tolerant of everything with you.So how to get along well with classmates becomes an important problem.
we should try to ensure enough respect to your classmates.When getting along with them,you should stand on the position of them to think more before making a decision.
we should guarantee to protect the privacy and give each one enough personal space.Don't blindly criticize each other's shortcomings, but learn to find out the advantages of them and learn from them.
we should provide helps whem they are in trouble.When getting helps,you should learn to thank them.Don't always care about gain and loss, I believe, in the life of universities, as long as our hearts communicate with each other, we surely can get along very well with each other.