

The planning function involves defining an organization’s goals,establishing an overall strategy for achieving these goals,and developing a comprehensive hierarchy of plans to integrate and coordinate activities.
When managers motivate subordinates,direct the activities of others,select the most effective communication channel,or resolve conflicts among members,they are engaging in leading.
If there are any significant deviations,it’s management’s job to get the organization back on track.This process of monitoring,comparing,and correcting is what we mean by the controlling function.
老师说要分析这三个句子!说什么把主谓宾,定状补什么的标出来.标在句子上.求语法帝帮帮忙!感激不尽T T.

我瑾分析语法主要成分,对生词就不查字典解释中文意思了.1.The planning function 主语involves 谓语defining ...,establishing ...,and developing .宾语,是三个并列的 -ing 形式(也可叫动名词)作并列宾语.每个 -i...