英语翻译由于中英思维方式差异的存在,使得翻译过程中有诸多的翻译障碍.如结构障碍、语境障碍、生活习惯障碍等.但是思维模式的差异,是每个民族所特有的,是不可避免和更改的.伴随着社会的发展,各民族文化的交流与融合又势在必行.因此,我们必须找到一种方法去减少思维方式差异对翻译的消极影响.首先应摆正态度,各民族在进行文化交流的同时,应该本着求同存异的精神,学会尊重认识和接纳他民族的思维模式,而不是将与本民族思维模式不同的其他思维模式视为异端; 在与他民族的思维模式的对比中,要善于认识到自身思维模式的缺点和他民族思维模式的优点,善于取长补短.中英存在着思维方式的差异,所以在翻译过程中,要重视思维的转换.语言与思维密切相关,语言是思维的主要表现形式,汉英民族不同的思维方式导致两种语言在表达上存在着一定的差异.翻译过程中,在领会源语意图之后,译员不必拘泥于原文,而是要考虑目的语的思维习惯,通过思维方式的转换,运用适当的翻译手段,使译文地道、自然,符合目的语的表达习惯.


首先应摆正态度,各民族在进行文化交流的同时,应该本着求同存异的精神,学会尊重认识和接纳他民族的思维模式,而不是将与本民族思维模式不同的其他思维模式视为异端; 在与他民族的思维模式的对比中,要善于认识到自身思维模式的缺点和他民族思维模式的优点,善于取长补短.

Because of the way of thinking differences and make the translation process, there are many obstacles of translation. Such as structure barrier, the context barrier, the life habits and barriers. But of different thought patterns, each nation is unique, is inevitable and changed. With the development of society, the national culture of the exchange and integration and imperative. Therefore, we must find a way to reduce the way of thinking difference on translation of negative influences.
First should adjust, all the ethnic groups in attitude for cultural exchange at the same time, should be in line with the spirit of seeking common ground while putting aside differences, learn to respect understanding and acceptance of the thinking mode, his nation and not with this nation will be thinking mode of different thought patterns as heresy; other With his nation in the thinking mode of contrast, want to be good at understanding