①do you often go to school lately?改错 ②when she heard the news ,she felt sadly.③we all know beijing is in the north part of china④before you write the artcle ,you should get more informations about red-crowned carnes⑤in the end of the road,you can see a post office


①do you often go to school lately?改错 ②when she heard the news ,she felt sadly.
③we all know beijing is in the north part of china
④before you write the artcle ,you should get more informations about red-crowned carnes
⑤in the end of the road,you can see a post office

5.At the end

1, lately---->late
2, sadly---->sad

1个 去掉lately
2个sadly 改成sad
3个part去掉重复了 in the north of china 就表示在北方了
4个 information去掉s information是不可数名词
5 a 改成 the 因为是看到特指的那个邮局