请帮我把这段文字翻译成英文好吗~~~谢谢,不要 在线翻译那种,语法一定要对.面试过程虽然很短暂,具体到每个人只有20分钟到半小时的时间,但是面试内容、形式却多种多样,要在这短短的时间内应对老师的各种中文、英文提问,是对求职者全面专业素养、交流和表达能力、英语口语水平的综合检验.


请帮我把这段文字翻译成英文好吗~~~谢谢,不要 在线翻译那种,语法一定要对.

The interview is very short that everyone has only 20 minutes or no more than half an hour, but the content and form of the interview are various. Facing different questions in Chinese and English of all the teachers in such a short time, is a comprehensive inspection of job seeker's professional quality,communication and expression skills, and oral english level.